
Sirenia (siren666) on Chaturbate Nominated in Adult Webcam Awards

Sirenia (siren666) on Chaturbate has been nominated in Adult Webcam Awards. This Popular 19-year-old live webcam model (@Siren666cb on Twitter) is our latest nominee in the category of ‘Best New Cam Model‘. Not much needs to be said about Sirenia because her shows and dedicated fan base speak volumes about her.

With some 60,000 dedicated fans and growing, it’s is truly our pleasure to share this performer in the first annul Adult Webcam Awards.

Check our her show here and Make sure to vote for her below and peruse all the nominees at the category links before you go anywhere!

Live webcam model Sirenia is a Nominee in the Adult Webcam Awards
Live webcam model Sirenia is a Nominee in the Adult Webcam Awards

And again…

Sirenia from

She will also be attending FAN DAY at the Adult Webcam Conference, leading up the to Awards Show. Details about FAN DAY, otherwise known as the Adult Webcam Party located here.

Facebook comments on this nomination page also count as 1 vote each for this entertainer!  Also you can nominate other cam models here.

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