
Kalyda on Chaturbate Nominated for, ‘Top Overall Adult Webcam Model‘

Thank you Mike for submitting Kalyda, a stunning top performer on Chaturbate as a Nominee for, ‘Top Overall Adult Webcam Model‘. This 21 year old is a force in camming with a massive fan following and very loyal fans to boot. We are thrilled to have Kalyda as a nominee in the Adult Webcam Awards.

Here was the nomination we received for Kalyda.

“I would like to nominate Kalyda for the adult webcam awards in the
category of, ‘Best Cam Model of The Year’. Kalyda has over 98,000 fan/followers on
Chaturbate! She is one of the leading models on Chaturbate”

You can vote for Kalyda below. Likewise you can go visit her live show here….but please vote across all the categories before you do.


And again…

kalyda Nominated for, 'Top Adult Webcam Model'
kalyda Nominated for, ‘Top Adult Webcam Model

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/mus9DomraFc?list=PLESmW__QUxBv5MySYSHJjAdYI0btvVx0O”]

Remember, Facebook comments on nomination pages (like this one) also count as 1 vote each for that entertainer! 

Also you can nominate other cam models here.

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