Miss Nikole Knight

Miss Nikole Knight of Chaturbate Nominated for, ‘Top New Webcam Model’

We are happy to share Miss Nikole Knight of Chaturbate as our latest nominee for, ‘Best Squirting Orgasm Performer/Show‘, and ‘Top New Webcam Model‘.
Miss Nikole Knight, has reached 100,000+ followers on Chaturbate and nearly 33k followers on Twitter at a super rapid pace and we have heard from her fans over and over this past week about just how awesome her performances are.
Here is what just 1 of these emails had to say…
I have been watching Nikole since September of 2014. I was amazed to see her sexual performance ———————–some nights she just seems to be able to go on and on.The girl is just amazing. She currently is running her shows 11-2:30 Eastern Daylight Time. -muddwizz
You can follow Miss Nikole Knight on Twitter @NikkiiKnight or catch her shows on chaturbate.com here. Oh and thanks to muddwizz and a few other dedicated fans for bringing this rising adult webcam star to our attention!
Miss Nikole Knight of Chaturbate
And again…
Miss Nikole Knight of Chaturbate webcam
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