
SchoolGirl95 Nominated Top New Cam Model

SchoolGirl95, a petite and stunning new cam model on the MyFreeCams platform is a fan favorite that two fans wrote in to share with us over the past few days. Accordingly, we are thrilled to share the latest nominee in the Adult Webcam Awards for, ‘Top New Webcam Model of 2015. You can size up her competition in the category here or vote for her below.

Likewise, a little research never hurts. Check out her show page on MyFreeCams where you can find her with under profile name SchoolGirl95.

SchoolGirl95 MyFreeCams live webcam model nominated in Adult Webcam Awards as top new cam model
SchoolGirl95 MyFreeCams live webcam model nominated in Adult Webcam Awards as Top New Cam Model of 2015, vote for your favorite cam models below.

Don’t forget to hit the vote button below to vote for her or any of your favorite live webcam stars. Also remember, Facebook comments on all nomination pages also count as votes! Also, you can follow this performer on Twitter @SchoolGirl_95

Again here are quick links to the Adult Webcam Awards Nominee categories:

Remember, you can also you nominate your favorite cam models here.

Join us this January for the Adult Webcam Awards show. Details here. 

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